Being Buddhist Before Buddhism Was Cool

All Press
A Senator’s Dharma
Tricycle (Vol. 30, No. 4, 2021)
List of all 125,000-plus WWII Japanese American internment detainees nears completion
The Mainichi (March 17, 2022)
Repairing Generations of Trauma, One Lotus Flower at a Time
The New York Times (May 5, 2021)
Japanese American Activists Support Black Reparations To Heal Wounds Past And Present
The Huffington Post (May 2021)
Wings of Wisdom and Compassion: Lessons of Freedom from Japanese American Internment in WWII
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Insight Journal (March 2021)
Winners named in RNA’s 2020 Awards for Religion Reporting Excellence: The first place Award for Excellence in Nonfiction Religion Book
Religion News Association (September 24, 2020)
Never Again: A Japanese American group protests mass incarceration at the border. One of its Buddhist leaders envisions a new American identity.
Tricycle (Summer 2020)
Q&A with Duncan Ryūken Williams – American Sutra: A Story of Faith and Freedom in the Second World WarHistory Author Show with Dean Karayanis (July 2019)
Interview with Eric C. Miller - “First They Came for the Buddhists: Faith, Citizenship, and the Internment Camps”
Religion & Politics (July 23, 2019)
Interview with Vince Schleitwiler “A Buddhist Scholar Unearths a Story of Racism, Religious Discrimination and Perseverance”
International Examiner (July 10, 2019)
Never Forget Is Now
Lion’s Roar (Jun. 10, 2019)
Q & A with Duncan Ryuken Williams
Higashi Honganji USA (May 30, 2019)
American Sutra: On the Incarceration of Japanese Americans in WWII
Buddhistdoor Global (May 23, 2019)
Bearing Witness to the Wounds of Internment
Buddhadharma: The Practitioner’s Quarterly (Summer 2019)
The Birth of an American Form of Buddhism: The Japanese-American Buddhist Experience in World War II
Buddhistdoor Global (May 9, 2019)
Religion as a “National Security Threat”: Lessons from the Second World War
The Anxious Bench on Patheos (May 2, 2019)
8Books Review: “American Sutra” by Duncan Ryuken Williams (Apr. 16, 2019)
Being Buddhist Before Buddhism Was Cool
Pacific Citizen (Apr. 5, 2019)
“American Sutra” highlights targeting of Japanese American Buddhists during World War II
The Mercury News (Apr. 1, 2019)
“American Sutra” Review
Higashi Honganji USA (Apr. 1, 2019)
Buddhism as a National-Security Threat: After Pearl Harbor, Japanese-Americans found their faith under attack.
The Wall Street Journal (Mar. 14, 2019)
The Forgotten Internment of Japanese Americans in Hawaii: A Dark Chapter in the History of Religious Persecution
Literary Hub (Mar. 1, 2019)
Buddhism Behind Barbed Wire
The Harvard Crimson (Feb. 28, 2019)
Muddy Waters: The Buddhist priests forced to find faith in internment camps.
Lapham’s Quarterly (Feb. 20, 2019)
Duncan Ryuken Williams: When Buddhists Were a “National Security Threat”
Tricycle Talks (Feb. 23, 2019)
Thus Have I Heard: An American Sutra
Tricycle (Spring 2019)
Review of American Sutra: A Story of Faith and Freedom in the Second World War by Duncan Ryūken Williams
The North American Post (Jan. 27, 2019)
American Sutra Book Review
Sumeru (Jan. 2019)
“American Sutra” To Look At World War II Camps Through Buddhist Perspective
Nikkei West (Dec. 2018)
Hapa Japan
Other Side of Zen
Issei Buddhism in the Americas
Media Inquiries
We welcome media inquires about the book and author. Members of the press are invited to email Duncan with questions or for interviews.
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